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Moses Miller
Christiana Shoemaker
John Aughy Deam
(Abt 1795-)
Elizabeth Miller
(Abt 1804-1828)
Wilson Deam


Family Links

1. Hannah Burwell

2. Mary Kiskadden Richey

Wilson Deam

  • Born: 1825, Montgomery County, Ohio
  • Marriage (1): Hannah Burwell on 30 Nov 1848 in Wells County, Indiana
  • Marriage (2): Mary Kiskadden Richey on 24 Dec 1851 in Wells County, Indiana
  • Died: 25 Jan 1885, Bluffton County, Indiana at age 60

bullet  General Notes:

Biographical and historical record of Adams and Wells counties, Indiana. Chicago
Lewis Publishing Co.,
1887. pp. 768-769.

WILSON DEAM, who is now deceased, was a native of Ohio, born near Dayton in the year 1825. When a lad he came with his parents to Indiana, in which State he grew to manhood. At the age of twenty-one he located at the present site of Bluffton when this now thriving village could boast of but one dwelling. Here Mr. Deam engaged in the livery business, as there was much travel, although the surrounding country was sparsely settled, and this business he conducted for a period of more than forty years. For a number of years he also operated the stage line, transporting passengers and carrying the mail between Bluffton and Fort Wayne, and this associated with his livery made for him a lucrative business. Mr. Deam was twice married, taking for his first wife Miss Hannah Burwell, daughter of James Burwell. Mrs. Deam died leaving one daughter-Francis M., now the wife Robert Hart, of Kosciusko County, Indiana. About a year after the death of his wife Mr. Deam married Mrs. Richey, widow of S. P. Richey, and to this union were born four children-Belle K., wife of Rev. Thomas Wallace, of Dayton, Ohio; Harry and Hattie (twins), the former being the wife of Professor Isaac C. Mulkins, of St. Joe, Missouri, and Ida M., wife of Rev. G. G. Copeland, of Savannah, Ohio. Mr. Deam died January 25, 1885, and was buried with Masonic honors, he having been a member of that society for many years. In politics he was an unswerving Democrat. In religion he was a Presbyterian, and was a liberal contributor to his church. He was of a genial and generous nature, and made many friends, and his death was a source of universal regret. His widow still survives, and is living in the old homestead at Bluffton. Harry Deam, the only son, was born July 16, 1857, and was reared in the town of Bluffton, where he attended school until reaching the age of seventeen years. He then went to Fort Wayne and began clerking for Foster Brothers, and at the close of the year he was promoted to foreman of their mercantile establishment, where he remained three years. He then became foreman of a branch house of William Lambert & Co., located at Bloomington, Illinois, where he was engaged seven months, when he returned to Bluffton, and for two and a half years following was in the employ of Wiley & Sunier, and A. Curry, all merchants of Bluffton. He then engaged as traveling salesman for the firm of E. M. McGillin & Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, for one year, when he again returned to Bluffton and formed a partnership with Philo Rogers in the dry goods business, with whom he was associated for one year. He was then appointed inspector and clerk of customs at Port Townsend, Washington Territory, which position he occupied for one year, when he was called home owing to his father's illness. He then engaged on his own account in the notion and millinery business, which he conducted until his father's death, and also owned an interest in the livery business with his father. After his father's death he gave up his store and has since given his entire attention to the livery business. April 16, 1884, he was united in marriage to Miss Maggie J. Craig, a daughter of David and Eliza Craig. Mr. Deam is one of the enterprising and successful business men of Bluffton. He is a member of the Masonic lodge at Bluffton, holding his membership since 1880. Politically he is an uncompromising Republican. Both he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian church. Historical Hand Atlas

History of Wells County, Indiana
Published 1881
IR 917.727 Hi
Page 208

Wilson Deam son of John A., and Elizabeth (Miller) Deam, is a native of Montgomery county, Ohio, having been born in the year 1825. He was married at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, in 1850, to Mary E.Kiskadden, daughter of James and Rebecca (Erving) Kiskadden. She was born in the year 1828, in Clark county, Ohio. Her children are: Belle R. (Deam) Wallace, born December 5, 1852, and resides in Dayton, Ohio; Harry, July 16, 1858, is a resident of Cleveland; Hattie (Deam) Mulkins, July 16, 1858, resides at St. Joe, Missouri; Ida M., January 3, 1861, is a resident of Dayton, Ohio. Wilson Deam is a resident of Harrison township, and the proprietor of a Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, situated on Market street, opposite Central Hotel, Bluffton, Indiana.


Wilson married Hannah Burwell on 30 Nov 1848 in Wells County, Indiana.


Wilson next married Mary Kiskadden Richey on 24 Dec 1851 in Wells County, Indiana. (Mary Kiskadden Richey was born about 1830 in Ohio.)

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