Henry Kitchen


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1. Ann Wheeler

Henry Kitchen

  • Born: 1685, England
  • Marriage (1): Ann Wheeler in 1720
  • Died: 25 Jun 1745, Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, New Jersey at age 60

bullet  General Notes:

Following provided by Brenda Kitchen Laidlaw on Ancestry:
Henry Kitchen and his brothers were born sometime in the late 1600's in England, quite possibly in Yorkshire. They were probably from an Anglican (Episcopal) family and were socially placed in the artisan class. They arrived in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, sometime circa 1710-1717.
Henry Kitchen was married in Amwell by 1720 and his brother, Thomas, by 1718 or before. Henry Kitchen was classified as a carpenter in an early land deed. He built one of the earliest sawmills in West Jersey.

Following from the New Jersey, Abstract of Wills, 1670-1817.

1745, June 25, Kitchen, Henry, of Amwell Township, Hunterdon Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Ann, annuity, to be paid by Samuel and Wheeler Kitchen. Son, Samuel, 200 acres of land at Pohatcung; land in the great swamp and one-half of saw mill. Son, Wheeler, 300 acres at Pohatcung. Son, Joseph, 100 acres at Pohatcung and land in great swamp. Son, Henry, Son Richard, old plantation in Amwell bought of Samuel Green. Executors - wife, and brother Thomas Kitchen. Witnesses - Jean Robins, George Baylis, John Lewis, Proved August 12, 1745.


Henry married Ann Wheeler, daughter of Gilbert Wheeler and Martha, in 1720. (Ann Wheeler was born in 1695 in Pennsylvania and died in 1748 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, New Jersey.)

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